Welcome to VikingPLoP 2013VikingPLoP is a Nordic PLoP conference. VikingPLoP 2013 will be held in Horse Inn of Luomajärvi in Ikaalinen, Tampere region, Finland. The location offers a luxurious experience for anyone who appreciates rustic romance, good food, horses, quality time, the nature, and wilderness tracks. In March the landscape will probably still be covered in snow. The venue is easy to reach by flying either to Tampere or to Helsinki. Joint transportations from Tampere will be arranged. ![]() The conference helps you to learn more about patterns, to receive feedback on your own work, and to discuss with fellow pattern enthusiasts. It is an excellent venue to exchange knowledge about patterns and learn from other experts. We especially encourage new-comers and non-academic pattern enthusiasts to participate in the conference. Open and supportive community makes VikingPLop a great opportunity to get familiar with patterns and PLoP culture.
The core of VikingPLoP is a series of writers' workshops where authors work together to improve
their papers. Before patterns or other papers are accepted for a writers' workshop, they are
shepherded. This means that an experienced author will discuss your submission with you, so that
you can refine your paper prior to the conference. After shepherding, all submissions will be peer-reviewed in the conference and the patterns will be published later on.
VikingPLoP News