Call For Papers
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![]() Submission GuidelinesVikingPLoP accepts papers containing patterns or pattern languages as well as experience reports and papers related to the theory and use of patterns. Papers submitted to VikingPLoP cover a wide range of subjects, from technical issues, like distributed machine control and C++ programming, to social and organization issues. We expect that paper topics cover a wide range of domains such as:
The submitted papers should contain one or more patterns and have up to 10 pages following LNCS format guidelines. Longer pattern
languages or sequences and work-in-progress papers will also be considered for
inclusion. All accepted papers will receive in-depth shepherding by an experienced
pattern author before the conference.
First-time pattern authors are especially welcomed to participate in the
conference. If any questions will arise, contact the conference chairs.
Conference StructureThe core of VikingPLoP is writers' workshops where authors work together to improve their papers. Before patterns or other papers are accepted for a writers' workshop, they are shepherded (non-anonymously). This means that an experienced author will discuss your submission with you, so that you can refine your paper prior to the conference. All accepted submissions will be workshopped and peer-reviewed in the conference. Papers discussed at a writer's workshop at this conference qualify for submission to the new journal Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming published by Springer. ProceedingsThe proceedings of the workshops is published in the report series of Tampere University of Technology, Department of Software Systems. The proceedings is published as a printed version and electronically (as a pdf-file). The printed version is liable to charge. Shepherding
The shepherding process is essentially a reviewing process. The Shepherd guides the sheep into a more mature understanding of his or her pattern. Shepherds are individuals, with experience in pattern writing, assigned to an author's paper for helping the author improve the pattern. Shepherds also have experience with the shepherding procedure, either having been a shepherd before or a sheep (an author). Submission ProcedureThere is a three stage submission process: